Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Opulant Sky

Opulent Sky
My mind is filled with vast extents of toppling terrain.
Emotions roll over each other ,tensely grinding gears on this hill of the present.
I am impatient for arrival though it’s not soon forth coming.
Oh, the day of surrender cannot come too soon.
My body aches, the journey has not been kind,
the path is narrow, the trenches are deep.
The higher I climb the dirtier my knees,
for falling is frequent and prayer is now real.
The heavens shift slowly dragging tides of white, cool waves of clouds disperse unevenly. Life, that vengeful fiend catches my defenses, in all my glory I rise to the fight.
For inside this restless mind and listless body,
this fallible, venerable shell,
I possess a power so great that no man can define it ,
a light so light no hue can compare.
So brilliant this light my own eyes cannot behold,
my skin, tender flesh so embodies this orb.
Extensions of soul grasp this tangible binding,
grounding mounds of earth to the opulent sky.
Whispers of hope, faith, and fears,
striving to weave, powerless, endless, empowered, envisioned.
The flesh falleth,
the spirit flies ,
o’er top the wreckage now understanding.
My feet firmly set onto this wavering bridge, life under , joy over,
keep walking, now running.

The journey tarries , so tired my lungs, so long filling.
Stumbling, stumbling.
I know failure leads to faith.
Tragedy is triumph when purpose finds the heart.
Is there no end to this entanglement, is there no end to this trek?
The ledge offers danger but relief in the sight.
Stretches of time, depths of despair,
great valleys of knowledge serene from this view.
So traveled, I rejoice in this place,
examples of potential scattered round about.
Lengths of life so far behind me,
mere outlines, shadows, previously passed.
Breath taking elegance ,this humble portrait, this scene.
So ordained I now see the expanse of my creation,
life so small, so created to fall.
For I know my creator,
I know my King.
I know Gods great plan in my flesh so contained.
My spirit lifts, my soul now surrenders.
I am sifted, refined and bended at will .
I terry, I waver, stand fast in my soul, encapsulated in all this.
The higher I climb the dirtier my knees for falling is frequent and prayer is now real. The heavens shift slowly dragging tides of white, cool waves of clouds disperse unevenly. Life, that vengeful fiend catches my defenses, in all my glory I arise to the fight.
This truth so courses through my veins, this journey impressed upon my skin.
Uneven, imperfect, mapped upon my head.
Heaven knows my story, angels know my name.
Never forgotten, the universe explains,
stars puncture the darkness revealing all to come.
Human, godly, infinitely woven, the patchwork of one great celestial kind.
ReNae Sorenson

Picture by ReNae Sorenson

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