Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Secret Sketches

Her chest cavity, empty and bare

Hollowly echoes her sinners song

Her fingers trace each veins direction

Her eyes are shiny with empty glare

The air whispers and whistles through

Its pitch is painful, muffled, hushed

Her hope is crumpled, discarded waste

The flowers decay where they once grew

Her head hangs heavily bowing down

Her hair grows wildly, an untamed mane

Her nails are dirty, her face unclean

She dances alone in her soiled gown

The velvety curtains hold out the light

Darkness absorbs her unified mind

The floors are stripped, cold and bare

The walls are wrecked with turmites

The embers are burning, on their last breath

Glowing in shame, darkly masked

Smoke hovers, lowly curling

The grave is empty, shallow in depth

Her body flinches, vulnerable, unclothed

The catacombs echo a violent song

Her fingers trace the secret sketches

Her soul rips, an uneven tear

Ceramic Girl

I take the bait, I trip the wire

the light reflects my naked stem

a tasteless fruit too quickly picked

the empty chair faces the window

never a wrinkled face to hold,

Ceramic Girl, posed and broken

molded doll, erect and willing

the smoke is clearing, shifting haze

the memories locked; adjacent rooms

synapses spark, the shadows live

the basket falls, cradle and all

she never ages, Ceramic Girl

molded doll, erect and willing

her hem is lifting on its own

the shine of her china lasts a lifetime

her gentle curls fall, lightly bouncing

her key is wound, she does her dance

bursting applause behind closed doors

she draws the Joker, just her luck

the bundle of weeds, her twisted bouquet

tied with ribbon, all too deceiving

rosy cheeks, deadened eyes

she never ages,

Ceramic Girl


The thistles are growing unevenly long
And the thoughts are screaming 1,000 strong
The branches are bowing too low to endure
And the rivers are boiling, burning impure
The blades of grass are cutting through the soil
And the sky runs blue, bleeding true and loyal
The thunder resounds on this clear summer day
Surprising the mountains beginning to fray
The thistles are growning unevenly long
And the blue bird is choking on its sad little song